Zosia Culinary Adventures

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Scrambled Eggs with Saffron Milky Cap Mushrooms (Jajecznica z Rydzami)

A special treat for weekend breakfasts, scrambled eggs with milky cup mushrooms. This is so delicious. Lactarius deliciosus, commonly known as the saffron milk cap is one of the must popular picked mushrooms in Poland. There is even a song by Helen Majdaniec titled “Rudy Rydz”

YIELD: 2 servings


  • 4 free range eggs

  • 2 tablespoon fresh 18% cream

  • 125g sliced saffron milk mushrooms (can substitute with any fresh mushrooms)

  • 1 shallot (it has very delicate taste) chopped

  • salt and pepper for taste

  • 1 tablespoon of butter or duck/goose fat

  • Garnish with fresh chopped parsley


  1. Melt butter in the frying pan and add chopped shallot and sliced mushrooms. Sauté for 5 minutes on medium heat.

  2. Break eggs in the glass bowl, add fresh cream, season and beat with fork or whisk

  3. Pour egg mixture into the frying pan and stir with wooden spoon until lightly scrambled.

  4. To ensure scrambled eggs are soft and creamy, they should be lightly under done not over done.

  5. Garnish with chopped parsley and serve immediately. Excellent addition would home made bagel to complement the dish.