Zosia Culinary Adventures

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Vanilla Pastry Cream (Crème Pâtissière)

Pastry cream, also known as crème pâtissière, is a velvety and luscious custard that serves as the backbone of many delectable pastries. This smooth and creamy filling boasts a delicate balance of sweetness and richness, making it a versatile ingredient in various desserts. Made from a combination of milk, eggs, sugar, flour, and vanilla bean, pastry cream is cooked slowly to achieve the perfect consistency. Its luxurious texture, adds a decadent element to classic delights like éclairs, cream puffs, and fruit tarts.

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Pastry Cream (Crème Pâtissière) Recipe:

By Zosia Culinary Adventures | Date: August 19, 2023

Preparation Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Yield: 400 ml


  • 300 ml 3.25% fat milk

  • 3 egg yolks

  • 50 g sugar

  • 30 g all purpose flour

  • 1 vanilla bean


  1. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar until pale and creamy in texture.

  2. Add the flour and mix until smooth.

  3. In non-stick saucepan, heat up milk with vanilla bean that has been cut in a half with seeds scraped into the milk. Put in the vanilla pods as well.

  4. Bring the milk to light boil. Take it of the heat.

  5. Allow the milk to cool slightly, and gradually add to the egg mixture stirring well with the whisk.

  6. Pour the mixture back into a clean non-stick saucepan, and bring to boil stirring continuously.

  7. Take it off the heat. Remove any remaining vanilla pods from the custard.

  8. Pour the mixture into a clean glass bowl, cool, and cover with greaseproof paper to prevent a skin from forming.

  9. Allow to cool, than store in the fridge until ready to use it.