We are what we eat…

Hippocrates, a famous Greek physician, in the year 440 BC said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. In my opinion, the kitchen is the most important space when it comes to maintaining good health. It serves as the hub for nourishment and sustenance, where we prepare and cook our meals. If food selection, preparation, and cooking are done wisely, very little time will need to spend visiting doctor’s office.

In my opinion, the kitchen is the most important space when it comes to maintaining good health. It serves as the hub for nourishment and sustenance, where we prepare and cook our meals. A well-designed kitchen allows us to have control over what we eat, ensuring we incorporate fresh ingredients and make healthier choices. From meal planning to portion control, the kitchen empowers us to prioritize nutrition and create delicious, wholesome meals. Moreover, a clean and organized kitchen minimizes the risk of foodborne diseases and cross-contamination, further safeguarding our well-being. Ultimately, the kitchen acts as a sanctuary where we can embark on culinary adventures, exploring unique flavors and enjoying the art of cooking, all while prioritizing our health.

Eating healthful foods doesn’t need to be complicated; it can be pleasurable experience to everyone in your life. I was very fortunate that during my younger years I was introduced to homemade food all around me. I strongly believe that you can eat anything you want and as much as you want, as long you make all food from scratch with fresh local unprocessed ingredients. Unprocessed means cooking with food that has no additives added, and on the other hand, nothing good taken away. For example, the steel cut oats would be considered relatively unprocessed when they are compared with instant oats, but the best option would be the whole, intact grain whenever possible. I highly recommend to buy your own flour grain mill.

Recently I came across a translated copy of the the nearest thing to Roman cookbook which survived to this day and is bearing the name of the first century gourmet recipe book. The title is ”Apicius de Coquinaria”. It is fascinating collection of Roman cookery recipes.

Let me share some interesting movie clips….The Babette’s feast is my favorite!

The most inspiring scenes in food preparation definitely starts for me with "Babette's feast". It provokes my heart to be wanting to endure the preparation of the meal as it was to be your last on this earth. May your meal preparations be as divine, gracious and breathtaking as when made by Babette Hersant.

Food is a show centerpiece which plays an important role in daily events and special occasions at Downton Abbey. After all, food is one of the life’s great pleasures. It could be the most extravagant and impressive such as Caviar Croûtes served to the upper class or something simpler for the servants such a Toad-in-the-hole. I love all the recipes Annie Gray shared with us in the Downtown Abbey Cookbook. I was lucky to get a copy for my wedding anniversary.

One of the most visually enticing and mouthwatering movie scenes of all time can be found in the film "Chocolat." The film beautifully captures the artistry and allure of working with chocolate, tantalizing viewers with shots of luxurious dark chocolate being melted, tempered, and transformed into delectable creations. The scenes are filled with a symphony of colors, textures, and aromas, as the chocolatier skillfully concocts heavenly truffles, velvety ganaches, and luscious chocolate bars. Each frame is filled with such passion and precision, it's impossible not to be mesmerized by the sheer craftsmanship and dedication that goes into making these irresistible delicacies. Watching the "Chocolat" movie scenes is like taking a journey into a world where every piece of chocolate is a work of art, meant to be savored and appreciated.

The baker's wife has created an extraordinary food scene that leaves taste buds in awe. The baker's wife has truly mastered the art of culinary creation, captivating the palate and making the food scene a must-see movie to see for any food lover.