Fermented White Dough - bread starter

This fermented white dough is much lighter than a poolish ferment. It comes handy when you want to make an artisan pizza or panzerotti.

Yield:1 kg

Uses: pizza dough, bagels, pretzels, baguettes, rolls, and some interesting breads with walnut, chestnut or grape flour.


  • 100g or a piece of dough which you keep back when you make a batch of bread(it is not necessary but I recommend it as it will enhance flavor of bread)

  • 10g fresh yeast (most of the European Delicatessen stores carry them) -To convert from fresh yeast to instant dry yeast, multiply the fresh quantity by 0.33. Active dry yeast must be hydrated in warm water before being incorporated into a dough.

  • 500g white bread flour

  • 10g sea salt

  • 350g filtered or spring water


  1. Rub the fresh yeast into flour with your fingertips

  2. Break the last week remaining piece of dough into small chunks and try to rubdown into the flour

3. Add water with salt and mix well with danish whisk until the dough is holding together.

4. Place it onto unfloured work table and knead the dough for 10-15 minutes until smooth and elastic. Make sure to stretch and fold the dough. I like to lift the dough of the table and bounce it back so it actually makes a great sound. You can also use the scraper to lift the dough of the table. Work your dough with hands to feel the connection and progress the dough is making . Have fun observing how dough comes to life.

5. Place the dough in the glass bowl with cover. Refrigerate for at least 12 hours - 48 hrs.

6. Make sure your glass bowl is big enough and it has a well fitted cover. It will expend more than a double.

7. Use it for pizza as it is. No need to add anything to it.



Sourdough Ferment


Beet Soup (Zupa Botwinkowa)