Lovage Vinaigrette

What is lovage? Lovage is a tall and handsome plant with savoury-scented leaves that make a perfect addition to soups and stews. Its rich history dates back to the Middle Ages when the lovage leaf was highly prized in folklore for its purported magical properties, believed to inspire love and desire in partners. Legend has it that incorporating lovage into a meal could even induce sexual and erotic arousal, making it a popular choice for magic spells in medieval times. Today, Lovage Vinaigrette continues to shine, enhancing flavors, aiding digestion, and bringing vibrancy to countless dishes in the culinary world.

Yield: 250ml


  • 2 tablespoons fresh minced lovage

  • 2 clove minced garlic

  • 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard

  • 5 tablespoons olive oil

  • 5 tablespoons white wine vinegar

  • 3 tablespoons filtered water

  • salt and pepper as you desire


  1. Blend all ingredients in the food processor until liquefied.

  2. Season gently with salt and pepper.

  3. Pour into a jar.

  4. Enjoy as a salad dressing or as a bread dipper.

  5. Refrigerate. Make sure to shaken well before using.


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