Pain aux raisins

Pain aux raisins, also known as "raisin bread" in English, is a delectable and indulgent viennoiserie that encapsulates the essence of French pastry. This golden-brown pastry is made from a buttery laminated dough, resulting in its signature flaky and delicate layers. What sets pain aux raisins apart is the generous filling of plump and juicy raisins, harmoniously nestled in a creamy custard. Baked to perfection, each bite rewards the palate with a beautiful balance of buttery richness, fruity sweetness, and tender texture. Its irresistible aroma, combined with the heavenly taste, makes pain aux raisins a timeless delight for breakfast or a delightful treat with a cup of afternoon tea. It is no wonder that this esteemed viennoiserie has become a beloved staple in bakeries and patisseries worldwide, satisfying cravings for both comfort and indulgence.

Handcrafted Pain aux raisins

By Zosia Culinary Adventures | Date: November 11, 2023

Preparation Time: 1.5 hrs (making of the dough not included)

Bake Time: 15-20 minutes

Yield: 30 servings



  1. Prepare the Viennoiserie Pastry Dough as per recipe.

  2. Divide the dough into 2 pieces x 425 g each.

  3. Roll out each dough into 25 cm wide x 50 cm long to from a rectangle.

  4. Spread on each 300 ml Crème Pâtissière and cover with 1 cup of golden raisins. Brush all around edges with egg wash.Fold the corners into the centre to form a cushion.

  5. Now, roll up pastry dough like a Swiss Roll. Make sure the seam is underneath.

  6. Cut each roll into 15 slices with a sharp knife.

  7. Lay pieces on a greased parchment paper lined trays with cut site up. Cover with linen towel and let it rise for 1.5 hours.

  8. Carefully wash over with egg.

  9. Preheat oven to 425ºF or 220ºC.

  10. Bake pastries for 15 minutes or until golden.

  11. To make sugar syrup: In a heavy saucepan heat water with sugar until sugar has dissolved. Increase the temperature and boil quickly for 3 minutes. Take off the heat.

  12. Glaze pain aux raisins with sugar syrup while pastries are still warm.

  13. Transfer to cooling wires.

Nutrition Facts per One Serving: 🧡

Calories 317 | Fat 16.5 g \ Saturated Fat 10.2 g\ Cholesterol 59 mg\ Sodium 443 mg\ Total Carbohydrate 37g\ Dietary Fiber 1.6 g\Total Sugars 4.5 g\ Protein 6.1 g \ Vitamin D 16 mcg\ Calcium 26 mg\ Iron 2 mg\ Potassium 110 mg


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