Zosia Culinary Adventures

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Yogurt Cherry Cake

Cherries are a good source of pectin, a soluble fiber that aids in controlling blood cholesterol levels. In addition to containing approximately 140 calories per cup, sweet cherries are rich in nutrients such as 20mg of vitamin C and 150mg of potassium. Their sweet flavor profile makes them a perfect choice for a snack or dessert, especially during the limited time they are in season.

I would like to dedicate this delightful and easy-to-make cake recipe to my dear friend Uli, who generously shares cherries from her backyard for this baking endeavor. These vibrant red fruits not only enhance the flavor of the cake but also add a touch of natural sweetness that is simply irresistible.

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Yogurt Cherry Cake

By Zosia Culinary Adventures | Date: July 13

Yield: 16 slices

Equipment: in diameter 26cm or 10” round baking pan (bottom lined with parchment paper) and a grater with large holes


  • 400g all purpose flour

  • 200g unsalted butter, cubed

  • 2 yolks

  • 2 tablespoons plain yogurt

  • 100g sugar

  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

  • pinch of sea salt


  • 750g fresh or defrosted pitted sweet cherries

  • 3 teaspoons potato flour


  • powdered sugar,optional


  1. Mix the yolks with yogurt and vanilla extract.

  2. Sift the flour with with baking powder and salt on the wooden cutting board or in the the large bowl. Add butter, chop into small pieces into the flour until resembles flakes.

  3. Make a well in the middle of flour and add yolks mixture.

  4. Mix quickly all ingredients into a dough.

  5. Wrap 1/3 of dough into a saran wrap and place it in the freezer for 30 minutes.

  6. Roll out the remaining dough into a 1/2 cm thickness, use parchment paper to prevent from sticking onto a rolling pin.

  7. Line a baking pan with the dough, forming edges app. 3 cm high. Place the pan in the fridge.

  8. Prepare cherries, place them in the bowl and add potato flour. Mix until cherries are evenly covered in potato flour.

  9. Heat up oven to 180 °C to 350°F.

  10. Place all cherries inside of cooled cake shell, nicely arranged all in one layer.

  11. Shred the frozen dough over the cherries as evenly as possible.

  12. Place the cake in the oven on the middle shelf for 45-50 minutes. It will be ready once the top is nicely browned.

  13. Take the cake out of the oven and let it rest for 10 minutes, then remove it from the pan and let it cool down on a wire rack.

  14. Serve lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar or just the way it is.

Enjoy it! Bon appétit! Smacznego!