My food blog purpose…

  • To advocate to buy locally grown fruits, vegetables and handcrafted dairy and meat products

  • To inspire my readers to prepare wholesome unprocessed foods in their own kitchen

  • To encourage gardening on balcony or in the backyard

  • To encourage eating seasonally: better for our health, more flavorful, and can reduce environmental impact

  • To encourage making preserves for the winter months: healthy and economical

  • To promote healthy living: walking, staying connected with family and friends, reading books, eating in moderation and appreciating what’s in your life

  • To create bee-friendly gardens by planting a variety of native flowers and plants that provide abundant nectar and pollen. By avoiding the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides, we can ensure a safe and healthy habitat for bees.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!

Food has always been my passion, something I've been deeply connected to for as long as I can remember. It's fascinating how food holds different meanings for each of us, and we all know it is vital for our existence. It fuels our bodies, builds and maintains our physical being, and regulates various functions. However, food goes beyond simple sustenance. It has the power to make us feel secure and happy.
Have you ever encountered a smell that instantly transports you back in time, making you feel safe and nostalgic? Or perhaps a smell that not only evokes memories but also provides a vivid flashback of how the world looked when you were a child?

For me, it's the earthy aroma of the forest that brings back the thrill of foraging wild mushrooms, gathering wild strawberries and blueberries alongside my parents. It's the enticing smell of a wild strawberry tart made by my aunt next door or the humble plum dumplings served on a scorching summer day. The smell of cooking always takes me back to cherished moments from my childhood.

I firmly believe that the longer a dish takes to cook, the more enjoyable it becomes in the end. It's about appreciating the time and effort spent in its preparation. Allow me to invite you into my kitchen, where time knows no bounds. Let me share the joy and satisfaction that comes from creating food that not only delights the palate but also nourishes the soul.

Together, let's embark on a culinary journey that immerses us in the magic of flavors and the pleasure of savoring each moment.

Soups for the Soul

Sweet Tooth Flair

Fermented Foods