Honey Glazed Brussels Sprouts with Chestnuts -Брюссельська капуста в медовій глазурі з каштанами

Brussels sprouts, known as small cabbages, hold a significant place in Ukrainian Folklore Cookery. Rich in bioflavonoids and indoles, plant compounds renowned for their cancer-fighting properties, Brussels sprouts are a nutritional powerhouse. Moreover, they are packed with vitamin C, with a single cup of cooked Brussels sprouts offering a substantial 130 mg of this essential nutrient.

YIELD: 12 servings x 125 g


  • 1.5 kg fresh brussels sprouts( when buying select small, bright green ones with tightly packed leaves)*

  • 200g ready to eat chestnuts or boil already peeled fresh chestnuts in vegetable broth for 20 minutes

  • 1 L Vegetable broth

  • 5 slices of bacon, chopped (fried to crisp with dried off fat)

  • 4 tablespoons Honey

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp ground white pepper

*Note: Chestnuts could be replaced with chopped walnuts


  1. Trim the bases of brussels spouts and remove damage leaves.

  1. Brussels sprouts could be boiled or steamed.To ensure they are evenly cooked, cut a small cross into their base. Never cover the brussels sprouts to prevent from buildop of the sulfurous gas.

  2. When boiling which I prefer to call blanching method as we only want to have them partially and briefly cooked. Use a cup of vegetable broth for each cup of sprouts. Firstly, bring the vegetable broth to boil, add brussels sprouts, and cook uncovered until still crisp and green in color approximately 3-5 minutes. Over cooking destroys vitamin C and gives sprouts a bitter taste.

  3. Drain and refresh sprouts with ice water. Drain again.

  4. Cut the sprouts in half lengthwise if you wish. I left them uncut.

  5. In meantime, fry bacon in the skillet over medium heat until crisp. Remove from the pan, place on paper towel to drain. Chop the crisp bacon into small bits. Reserve the drippings from the bacon.

  6. Chop cooked chestnuts into small pieces.

  7. In the larger skillet, heat up the bacon drippings, add brussels sprouts, 4 tablespoons of vegetable broth, honey and chestnuts.

  8. Sauté until the sprouts are tender and the liquid reduced to glaze.

  9. Set aside. Add bacon bits, season with salt and pepper as per your taste buds.

  10. Serve immediately with your favorite dish such as Chicken Kyiv.

    To Your Health! на здоров'я!


Roasted Paprika Potatoes with Caraway seeds-Смажена картопля паприка з насінням кмину


Apple Cinnamon Bundt Cakes