Beef & Pork

Beef and Veal contain a wide range of nutrients, especially vitamin B12, B6 , niacin, riboflavin, iron and zinc. They are major source of high quality protein All red meats should be consumed in moderation as they are high in saturated fat and can increase blood cholesterol levels.

What are proteins?

  • Proteins are large, complex compounds. The translation of the term does mean “to take the first place” or “of first importance”. Proteins are part of every cell in our body. Proteins are organic compounds. Protein contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The basic structural of proteins is amino acids.

What’s the serving of beef or pork?

  • One serving of pork or beef is 50 g - 100 g.

What are the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDAs)for protein

  • It depends on gender and age, and reproductive status of women

  • Hard manual work and exercise does not increase the protein requirement unless some laborers and athletes who are developing greater muscle mass require some additional protein during the conditioning period.

  • for example: the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein to consume is between 0.50 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight for female 50+. Unfortunately, most people routinely ingest extra protein. References from “Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy” 8th Edition by Emma S. Weigley, Domna Mueller and Corinne Robinson.



Fermented food